Gaulhofer windows on site!
After sitting patiently in storage for the better part of 8 months, the first set of our beautiful Gaulhofer windows were delivered to site today! Some of you may have caught a 2 second Periscope I tried to do earlier today before my phone died in the cold. So I took some video with my DSLR and have compiled it here! The video shows the installation of the frame of our dining room window, discusses the install detail and the Hannoband expanding tape being used, and shows some of the profiles prior to installation. You can also catch a glimpse of Andreas and Adrian Herrmann from Herrmann's Timber Frame Homes working on the install.
The team from Cornelis Grey continues to work on the shell, and offered a helping hand in lifting some of the heavy glass units into place. Handling the glass units when they are out of the frames is delicate work. The glass is tempered, so any sharp bump on the edge could be catastrophic. Many hands make light work!
Keeping warm and holding one of the triple glazed glass unit that will keep us warm soon!
Upper glass goes in. 5 guys for this lift!
Looking up at the finished window in the dining room.
Viewed from the outside.
Window install continues tomorrow, and we will also be doing a pretty cool install of some Pavatex wood fibre board on the flat roof, using some very long screws!